Angela has her own business, Creative Designs by Angela- her work is beautiful and she is so unbelievably creative! (I encourage you to take a look at her site.)
I love how candid she is below in answering questions about her new journey as a Mom. Although it was unexpected and very surprising, Angela educated herself and walks in complete confidence knowing she is making the best decisions for her family and child.
I love how candid she is below in answering questions about her new journey as a Mom. Although it was unexpected and very surprising, Angela educated herself and walks in complete confidence knowing she is making the best decisions for her family and child.
My name is Angela
and my husband, Raymond, and I have been married for almost 4 years and we have
a 3-year-old daughter, Faith. When it comes to experience, I’m still relatively
new at this Mom thing. Raymond and I were well into our thirties when we were
married, so we were both very settled in our core beliefs, values, and thoughts
about many things. We both have mellow, quiet personalities. We also
enjoy reading, solitude, and quiet times. WHOA were we surprised when
Faith Elizabeth came along! She is nothing like us in
personality. She wasn’t a fussy baby, but she did cry a lot and liked
activity and didn’t mind noise. She is super friendly and extroverted and keeps
us on our toes and is lots of fun!
On your parenting journey, what was the most difficult part requiring a ton of patience?
On your parenting journey, what was the most difficult part requiring a ton of patience?
I believe one reason many mothers choose not to breastfeed is because it can be difficult. It is definitely faster, easier, and more convenient to bottle feed. However, I was determined to nurse my baby no matter what. I will say we didn’t just have a naturally, easy time with it at first. It does take work and patience! I am very happy that I was able to breastfeed my baby for a year.
Potty training was also a big test of patience. I’m not an animal person, so I never had practice with a puppy constantly ruining the carpet. I like things to be CLEAN, so it was a big test for me not to flip out when accidents happened on the carpet.
There are difficulties all along the journey of parenthood and it is important to keep in mind that each phase won’t last forever. It’ll be over before you know it, so just take it in stride!
Describe each of your children in 1 word.
can be difficult to keep her still and quiet. She loves to jump, dance, run,
sing, and talk!
Are you a Scheduled or Non-Scheduled Mom? What are the benefits and downfalls to your choice?
Are you a Scheduled or Non-Scheduled Mom? What are the benefits and downfalls to your choice?
What is your biggest Mommy Pet-Peeve?
like it when people give my child things to eat without asking my permission.
Especially when it is food that I don’t allow her to eat (like candy, sugary
drinks, etc.) On the flip side, I REALLY appreciate it when people ask me if
it’s OK for her to have something. I just think it is courteous, as well as
just plain smart– you never know if a child has food allergies, sensitivities,
or medical restrictions.
Did the way you were parented shape that way that you parent your own children?
Did the way you were parented shape that way that you parent your own children?
Education has always been extremely important to me and I was very career-minded and goal-oriented during college and my single years. I had intended on going to a professional school for an additional 4 years after earning my bachelor’s degree. I honestly did not place a high priority on having children because I was so focused on pursuing my education- I frequently told my parents that I didn’t want children. My reasoning was because I knew how much I valued my mother being there for me. I knew that (for me) I could only put all of my energy into one or the other. That is just the type of person I am – black or white, no gray.
There was a definite
shift in my mind and heart once I knew I was pregnant. I will honestly say that
it was difficult for me, I felt like I couldn’t do what I WANTED
anymore. I realize many people believe you can do both, and I know there are
many wonderful working mothers and many mothers do not have the option to stay
at home. I am certainly not trying to say there is one right or wrong way. But
for me, it has been the most wonderful gift from God to be completely
single-minded in putting all of my time, energy, and love into my child and not
miss a single thing. I absolutely LOVE being able to teach her and watch her
learn and grow.
What is the best piece of advice you could give to a new Mother?
What is the best piece of advice you could give to a new Mother?
I would advise a
new mom just to inform herself by reading and talking to other moms. There are
so many unknowns and expectations that you face as a new mom. Often time’s
things don’t go as we planned, hoped, or expected.
THIS FOLLOWING ADVICE I ONLY SHARE WITH THOSE THAT WANT TO HEAR (Let me step up on my soap box…) I also believe VERY strongly that YOU are responsible for your own body and family– not society, whatever the norm is, or what others tell you. This type of thinking usually goes against the grain and doesn’t set too well with medical personnel. I’ve dealt with doctors and nurses trying to tell me what I should do regarding the birth of my daughter, vaccinations, etc., and it can be difficult when you feel someone pressuring you into something you don’t want. That is why it is important to inform yourself, know your options, and know what YOU want BEFORE you are forced into making a decision.
Do you remember your first thought as you held/saw your child(ren) for the first time?
It wasn’t the
typical response. I’m sharing this in hopes that someone will relate and
realize it’s OK to feel whatever you feel. After 24+ hours of labor (at home),
I was extremely worn out. Things didn’t go completely as we had planned (we had
to go to the hospital). When Faith finally arrived, there were no tears like I
see in the movies, there weren’t any hearts floating in the air, and I wasn’t overcome
by emotion. I just thought to myself “Finally!!! She’s out!
I’m SO tired”. I really didn’t feel or think anything else at that
moment. This probably sounds like a horrible confession to some (especially if
you don’t know my personality)- but I do tend to be more of a rational person,
rather than emotional. Although I am the oldest of three and have lots of
natural maternal instincts from taking care of my younger siblings, there
wasn’t an instant “ANYTHING” for me when I became a mom; it has been a gradual
progression. My daughter, my husband, and I are all growing together and loving
each other more and more every day. And it is a wonderful journey.
Some thoughtful question indeed! I seriously like all the question answer pretty much. Its a really a wonderful sharing from all side.