The Last 2 Weeks of My Life..............
Our Christmas Decorating Begins With The Girls Pink Princes Tree. |
Next, We Decorate Our Fun "Memories Tree", The Girls Are In Charge Of This One. |
"Memory Tree" Completed. |
Mommy's Tree. |
My Collection Of Nutcrackers, My Favorite. |
An Almost Forgotten School Project for Tenly! Not To Shabby for Last Minute. |
An Inconvenient Infection That Did NOT Fit Into My Schedule! It Reached The Size of A Golf Ball By The Time They "Fixed" It. |
Made A Gingerbread House For Our CCC Women's Event. |
Had To Make "Snow Trees" For Our CCC Women's Event. |
Was Given The Opportunity To Play a Part In The CCC Women's Event Drama. Wont Even Try To Explain The Time Memorizing Lines and Rehearsals Took. Was So Much Fun, Though! |
Part of The Set. Somehow, I Missed Getting Pictures of All The Decor We Did Upstairs for Brunch! |
Now, The Important Time Doing a House With The Family. |
The Ornaments I Was Crazy Enough to Make for Tenly's Christmas Party at School. |
"Reindeer Food" Gifts for All of Tenly's Classmates. |
Still Wonder, WHAT Was I Thinking Making This "Fruit Tree" for That Party??!! The Kiddos Did Love It Though! |
The Classroom Christmas Party Spread! Came Out Great, but The Time it Took To Make it Happen Was CRAZY! Being a Room Parent is a Full Time Job, but SO Worth Every Minute! |
Tenly's Ornament She Made at School! |
The Girls Made The Wrapping Paper for Mrs. Cross' (Tenly's Teacher) Gift. |
NOW, Just Enjoying The Extra Enthusiasm and Joy My Girls are Bringing to Christmas This Year, in Anticipation For What Next Year Will Bring. |
Before I begin to sound like I'm complaining....All of these pictures and projects are the reason I have not blogged in about 2 weeks!! As exhausted that I was majority of those 2 weeks, and although I did say on more than one occasion "..I cannot wait until all of this is over..", I truly do consider it a privilege and incredible opportunity to have participated and helped with every event. I squeezed so much in between life, children, cleaning, laundry, picking Lupe up from work, Bible Studies, Mommy time, and my poor neglected Husband didn't get much Wife's no wonder that I collapsed Thursday afternoon and Lupe practically commanded me
I did so much, and learned so much, and ACHED so much- but I love that God chose me and used me!
OOOOOOOooooooo....I miss you all so much, especially in this season. Jenn, I can't tell you how much I learn from you and want to share your blog with Monique, jossi and grace. You really are on your way're going places. I'm excited to see where you'll be next year at this time. U R aMAZing.